I know we generally talk about things with lots of sugar around here, but I occasionally have reason to talk about move savory dishes, and today is one of those days.
Recently I was contact by the nice folks at Echelon Foods in Canada. They wanted to send me a turducken to cook and review. Well let me tell you, when I mentioned it to my husband he just about leaped out of his chair. "tell them YES!" He's always wanted to try a turducken.
Just in time for the Thanksgiving season, I was fortunate to receive an original turducken, aka "The Ultimate Family Feast"! For the non-turducken-educated, the turducken is a giant, meaty beast. De-boned duck and chicken breasts are wrapped up with stuffing into a whole turkey which is also de-boned except for wings and drumsticks.
Do you remember where we were a week ago? Sipping wine. Nibbling turkey. Laughing. Can you believe Thanksgiving was only a week ago? I thought I’d give you a recap of the Seuffert 2013 Thanksgiving.
I typically toss the freebies and swag into the garbage or put them out on my desk for co-workers to devour. But when the folks at Echelon Foods (a former Canadian company that has moved to Chicago) asked if they could send me an Original Turducken, I was intrigued.
Hopefully you are all recovered from Thanksgiving. I know I am! Now that we are all out of our turkey comas I wanted to talk to you about the mind blowing bird we ate at Thanksgiving.
Ah, Turducken - TURkey stuffed with DUCK stuffed with chickEN, hence the name. We've all heard the legendary stories of this triple stuffed fowl extravaganza. I've always been curious, but never taken the leap myself.